2018년 11월 14일 수요일

6 Minute English 정리


Can you be lonely in a crowd? Yes, of course. I think you can be because being lonely is not about physical isolation. I think you can be lonely anywhere if you feel that you are disconnected from the world around you, if you feel that no one understand you. If you are living happily in isolation in The Scottish Highlands, for example, I'm sure you could feel lonely if you came here to London.

Loneliness is seen as a big problem for the mental health of the population.

This is a common stereotype that loneliness affects only the old and the isolated. It does, but what this experiment also shown is that loneliness is felt throughout life. People aged between 16 and 24 experience loneliness more often and more intensely than any other age group.

I was surprised by that because like many, I would've guessed that it was older people.

Much like the stereotypes of British people, this can be true in some cases, but it is not true for the majority.

The feeling of loneliness is stronger in young people than older people.

The reporter goes on to give some explanation for why young people might be more lonely.

Feeling lonely may plague the young because it's a time of identity change figuring out your place in the world and of learning to regulate emotions.

He says this may be because at that age we still figuring out our place in the world. We are trying to understand the world and what we are supposed to do with our lives.

Describing Generation Z

You can't choose what generation you are, it depends on when you were born.

Gen Z in particular is that they are the social media generation. They have never known a time without social media.

They have their own set of values and preferences which consumer brands need to cater for, and they are extremely comfortable with modern technology and social media.

I think I'm pretty savvy when it comes to modern connected technology and media, but I didn't grow up with it, it's new. For Gen Z, this level of technology is what is normal, it's all around and always has been, it's their norm.

Curbing our plastic addiction

It's our addiction to plastic that is of concern because this material doesn't decay very quickly, so once we've used it, it hangs around for a very long time.

Not only does it cause a mess- wildlife, particularly marine animals, are at risk when they become entangled in plastic waste, or ingest it. It's an issue that needs tackling or dealing with.

There is no doubt plastic is useful for many things, so it will be a long time before it disappears altogether.

Taking offence

Something that is offensive is rude, insulting and makes feel hurt and upset.

Even though some offence that is taken may not be genuine, that doesn't mean people don't have a right to be offended.

His point here is that societies can decide that certain things are taboo.

Some people may feel proud to be a snowflake because it means they are standing up for a particular standard, they have a level of decency and social responsibility that is higher than that of those who are calling them snowflakes.

The Power of Perfume

The point he is making is that the smells we experience when we are very young can have a big psychological impact on us even later on life.

The smells of something can take you back in time and fill you with emotions.

These odorant can act as the trigger or catalyst for these memories.

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