2018년 11월 14일 수요일

CPE 문구 정리

Financial forecasting, an essential element of planning, is the basis for budgeting activities. It is also needed when estimating future financing requirements. The company may look either internally or externally for financing. Internal financing refers to cash flow generated by the company's normal operating activities. External financing refers to capital provided by parties external to the company.  You need to analyze how to estimate external financing requirements. Basically, forecasts of future sales and related expenses provide the firm with the information to project future external financing needs.

The ability to measure managerial performance is essential in controlling operations toward the achievement of organizational goals.  As companies grow or their activities become more complex, they attempt to decentralize decision making as much as possible. They do this by restructuring the firm into several divisions and treating each as an independent business.

ROI can be broken down into two factors--profit margin and asset turnover. The ROI breakdown, known as the Du Pont formula , is expressed as a product of these two factors

Various actions can be taken to enhance ROI.

Generally, a better management performance (i.e., a high or above‑average ROI) produces a higher return to equity holders.  However, even a poorly managed company that suffers from a below-average performance can generate an above‑average return on the stockholders' equity, simply called the return on equity (ROE). This is because borrowed funds can magnify the returns a company's profits represent to its stockholders.

Another version of the Du Pont formula, called the modified Du Pont formula reflects this effect. The formula ties together the ROI and the degree of financial leverage (use of borrowed funds). The financial leverage is measured by the equity multiplier.

If the assets in which the funds are invested are able to earn a return greater than the fixed rate of return required by the creditors, the leverage is positive and the common stockholders benefit. The advantage of this formula is that it enables the company to break its ROE into a profit margin portion (net profit margin), an efficiency‑of‑asset‑utilization portion (total asset turnover), and a use‑of‑leverage portion (equity multiplier). It shows that the company can raise shareholder return by employing leverage‑‑taking on larger amounts of debt to help finance growth.

Unfortunately, leverage is a two-edged sword. If assets are unable to earn a high enough rate to cover fixed finance charges, then stockholder suffers. The reason is that part of the profits from the assets which the stockholder has provided to the firm will have to go to make up the shortfall to the long-term creditors, and he/she will be left with a smaller return than otherwise have been earned.

News 정리

Holiday shopping sales could top $1 trillion this year 11.13.08

Holiday shoppers prefer that gifts they buy online are shipped free. That's more important to them than shipping gifts fast.

Deloitte said the survey results could be off by plus or minus 1 to 2 percent points. This is called a "margin of error."

The survey found 88 percent of shoppers said free shipping mattered more than fast delivery. In addition, 66 percent said they'd wait three to seven days for shipping if delivery is free.

Shoppers are concerned about their information private.

Younger shoppers do not see an additional risk to providing retailers with their information.

Washington, D.C., finds out of going cash-free is really free 11.08.18

It appears digital dollars are taking over paper dollars in some places.

Cash-free businesses are basically saying if you are poor "and don't have a bank account or credit card, then we don't want your business."

A win for the kids: Fighting climate change in court 11.07.2018

Courts should not go beyond the limits of their authority. However, they have an important duty to serve as a check on the actions of the other branches of government. This keeps the branches of government accountable. The court should against actions that breaks the law.

Midterm elections leave victories for both Democrats and Republicans 11.07.2108

The midterm elections happen every four years. They are the elections that happen in the middle of a president's four-year term.

Together, the Senate and the House of Representatives make up Congress. This is where lawmakers work to change laws.

Naps before election night- the results could take a long time 11.06.2018

Some people will want to stay up on election night until they know the result of every race. If that includes you, you may want to take a nap beforehand. It could be a while before the results are official.

Opinion: Young people are ready for their votes to make a difference 11.02.2018

Young people do not have a good track record when it comes to voting. In the previous eight midterm
elections, only around 20 percent of Americans younger than age 30 voted.

Unlike young people before them, more and more believe voting is important and can make a big difference.

Many are more fearful than hopeful about America's future. However, the good news is that this generation's members are beginning to focus on fixing the problems that concern them. And that means voting.

Skull charms, lollypops, candy dispensers: Americans love Day of the Dead 11.01.2018

Day of the Dead is celebrated in the United States from October 31 to November 2. One holiday tradition is to create an alter for any loved ones who have passed away. The alters are decorated with photos of the person and their favorite foods.

The true meaning is memory and memorization of those that have gone on

Some say high schools should not take money from gun rights group 10.31.2018

The news has led to a fierce debate over whether schools should accept money from the NRA

These donations help lower costs of a very expensive sport.

False reports about the migrant caravan are spreading on social media 10.30.2018

He was weighing other options as well, including closing the southern border entirely.

Social media companies have a responsibility not to spread information that is clearly false.

Conservatives, who tend to emphasize traditional values, usually belong to the Republican party. Liberals, who tend to push for more social change, usually belong to the Democratic party. The two parties are fighting for control of Congress.

Act of hate kills and wounds many in Pittsburgh synagogue 10.28.2018

The mass shooting came at a time of political division in the country.

Th shooter expressed very strong anti-Semitic views on a social media sites.

Our hearts break for the families of those killed and injured.

In south Korea,  even pop stars must serve mandatory military duty 10.18.2018

At least 21 months of military service is mandatory for all able-bodied males ages 18-35 in response to the constant threat posed by neighboring North Korea.

The topic of required military duty has become a hot-button issue in South Korea in recent years. Debates raged across society about whether it is necessary, as well as who should be allowed exemptions.

IELTS 지문 정리

Test 1 Section 4

When you think of penguins, you may picture them surrounded by snow and ice. But not all penguins live where it's cold.

African penguins can keep their body temperature at a stable level.

Being a type of small and medium sized penguin species, African penguins average about 60 centimeters tall and weigh up to 3.6 kilograms.

Even though they are categorized as birds, African penguins are not able to fly because of their heavy bones.

Their flippers and their tails help them keep their balance and walk upright.

African penguin survives on a diet that is mainly comprised of marine organism.

The streamlined body of African penguin allows it to move through the water like a rocket, capable of reaching the speed of around 20 kilometers per hour when hunting for food.

The biggest threat to them on land is not just toward adult penguins. the penguin chicks are sometimes taken by the seagulls into the air.

It takes about 3 weeks to complete.

Prior to this, African penguins spend about five weeks laying down fat deposits.

Many do not reach their full life span.

They are considered to be vulnerable and have been listed as being endangered.

Two major factors have contributed to their decline.

They are struggling for nesting space due to human disruption and competing for food due to overfishing and pollution.

With the limited number of breeding pairs, survivorship becomes difficult for African penguins.

This makes them especially vulnerable as environmental conditions change or an outbreak of a disease occurs.

The more genetic diversity there is within a species, the higher the likelihood that at least some of the individuals will adapt and survive. (is) 

6 Minute English 정리


Can you be lonely in a crowd? Yes, of course. I think you can be because being lonely is not about physical isolation. I think you can be lonely anywhere if you feel that you are disconnected from the world around you, if you feel that no one understand you. If you are living happily in isolation in The Scottish Highlands, for example, I'm sure you could feel lonely if you came here to London.

Loneliness is seen as a big problem for the mental health of the population.

This is a common stereotype that loneliness affects only the old and the isolated. It does, but what this experiment also shown is that loneliness is felt throughout life. People aged between 16 and 24 experience loneliness more often and more intensely than any other age group.

I was surprised by that because like many, I would've guessed that it was older people.

Much like the stereotypes of British people, this can be true in some cases, but it is not true for the majority.

The feeling of loneliness is stronger in young people than older people.

The reporter goes on to give some explanation for why young people might be more lonely.

Feeling lonely may plague the young because it's a time of identity change figuring out your place in the world and of learning to regulate emotions.

He says this may be because at that age we still figuring out our place in the world. We are trying to understand the world and what we are supposed to do with our lives.

Describing Generation Z

You can't choose what generation you are, it depends on when you were born.

Gen Z in particular is that they are the social media generation. They have never known a time without social media.

They have their own set of values and preferences which consumer brands need to cater for, and they are extremely comfortable with modern technology and social media.

I think I'm pretty savvy when it comes to modern connected technology and media, but I didn't grow up with it, it's new. For Gen Z, this level of technology is what is normal, it's all around and always has been, it's their norm.

Curbing our plastic addiction

It's our addiction to plastic that is of concern because this material doesn't decay very quickly, so once we've used it, it hangs around for a very long time.

Not only does it cause a mess- wildlife, particularly marine animals, are at risk when they become entangled in plastic waste, or ingest it. It's an issue that needs tackling or dealing with.

There is no doubt plastic is useful for many things, so it will be a long time before it disappears altogether.

Taking offence

Something that is offensive is rude, insulting and makes feel hurt and upset.

Even though some offence that is taken may not be genuine, that doesn't mean people don't have a right to be offended.

His point here is that societies can decide that certain things are taboo.

Some people may feel proud to be a snowflake because it means they are standing up for a particular standard, they have a level of decency and social responsibility that is higher than that of those who are calling them snowflakes.

The Power of Perfume

The point he is making is that the smells we experience when we are very young can have a big psychological impact on us even later on life.

The smells of something can take you back in time and fill you with emotions.

These odorant can act as the trigger or catalyst for these memories.

Live Academy 연습가이드 정리

Lesson 34

제발 자리 하나만 있어라
Please let there be a spot.

설마 기다려야 되는거야?/되는거 아니야?
Don't tell me I gotta wait.

야, 그냥 장애인 자리에 대면 안되겠지?
Hey, you don't think/suppose I could just park in (one of) the handicap spot(s), do you?

그러다가 벌금 내야 될 수도 있어.
You could be/get fined for that.

빨리 주차자리 못찾으면 나 배고파서 죽을지도 몰라.
We better find a spot soon or I'm going to starve to death.

Let there be tickets left.
let there be a lot of people at this event.
let there be no misunderstanding/doubt.

You don't suppose I could just have a little more coffee?
You don't think I could give you a ride home?
You don't suppose I could tell that by looking at your face, do you?

You better do it soon or I'm gonna be insane.
You better leave soon or I won't be able to let you go.
You better get here soon, or it'll be late.
We better find a spot soon or we'll miss it.
I better eat them soon or I'm going regret all my life.

It's not what we do in front of others but how we spend our private time that shows who we really are.

Lesson 33

그 분은 규칙대로 하는 것을 좀 중요하게 생각하니까
She's pretty strict(serious) about doing things by the rules.

그것을 조금만 신경써.
So, I would pay a little attention to that.

뭐가됐든, 혼자 짐작으로 하지말고 꼭 확인을 먼저받아.
whatever it is, be careful not to do anything based on your own assumptions and just make sure to check with her before you do anything.

Whoever he is, be careful not to ignore him based on your personal sight and just make sure to have an positive attitude on him whether he is like you or not.

Whatever it is, be careful not to spend too much time on your own and make sure to check with him whenever you think there’s any progress.

When I was in high school, I was pretty strict about doing things by the rules. So, it made me miss out on unexpected opportunities. One of my friends advised me to pay less attention to the rules. I accepted his advice and started to be careful not to do anything based on my strict rules. And I decided to make sure that I would think flexibly before I do anything.

We are not judged by what we have to say about our plans and intent and our thoughts. We are judged by what we do and results we create.